We can test substrates to find out its potential use for Black Soldier fly Larvae through calculating significant components such protein percentage.
This can help to valorise food waste streams with a sustainable circular solution. This research is vital in this rapidly expanding field and Inspro strive on expanding this.
We work with a range of companies including food waste producers and food waste handlers to find personalised solutions to match both local substrate supply and feed/ fertiliser demands.
The scale of service options that we can provide vary from single trays, bio-conversion units, to co-located centralised hubs.
This is a local solution to dealing with food waste, unsustainable soya feed and synthetic fertilisers.
We also offer a ‘live and local’ kit allowing you to test the magic yourself on a small scale ideal for smallholders and Regenerative farmers in a mission to cut carbon footprints within the food and agriculture industries.
Chickens go mad for grubs! Not only do they have a natural enjoyment for foraging them, they go wild for the taste.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae frass (Poo) is a natural slow release fertiliser (N, P, K 523), plant stimulant and insect deterant
If you have flocks, herds or waste, you can have your own all-in-one solution on-site to provide a sustainable and localised feed solution.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae can process most organic waste substrates, but with differing results. We test the protein and fat quantity and quality to ensure good results.
We design, install, monitor and support Heated Ventilated and Airconditioned (HVAC) warm rooms.
We Co-Locate facilities with waste producers and waste handlers to minimise logistics and utilise existing resources.