Supply chain optimization and analysis of Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) bioconversion of surplus foodstuffs

The human food supply chain is placing great strain upon the environment. This is compounded by the creation of wastes at all points along the supply chain. Yet many of these “wastes” are instead surplus foodstuffs that may yet have the potential to be used.
Valorisation of Organic Waste By-Products Using Black Soldier Fly as a Bio-Convertor

One third of food produced globally is wasted. Disposal of this waste is costly and is an example of poor resource management in the face of elevated environmental concerns and increasing food demand.
Using insects in poultry feed could mean less deforestation and happier chickens. But UK law is falling short of the mark.

Every poultry farmer wants their chickens to be happy. After all, happy hens lay more eggs. But for hens to be happy, they need to be able to do what comes naturally to them, which includes pecking around on the ground for insects.